This, too, Shall Pass . . . Bu da Geçer . . .YA HU

A dervish who had traveled long and hard through the desert finally came to civilization afer a long journey. The village was called Sandy Hills, and it was dry and hot. Except for the hay feed and some shrubs, not much greenery was to be found. Cattle were the main means of livelihood for the people of Sandy Hills, had the condition of the soil been different, they might have been able to engage in agriculture as well.

The dervish politely asked a passerby if there was someplace where he could find food and lodging for the night. “Well,” said the man, scratching his head, “we don’t have such a place in our village, but I am sure Shakir would be happy to provide for you tonight.” Then the man gave directions to the ranch owned by Shakir, whose name means “one who thanks the Lord constantly.”

On his way to the ranch, the dervish stopped by a small group of old men who were smoking pipes, to reconfirm his directions. From them, he found out that Shakir was the richest man in the area. One of the men said Shakir owned more than a thousand cattle – “And this is more than the wealth of Haddad, who lives in the neighboring village.”

A short while later, the dervish was standing in front of Shakir’s home, admiring it. As it turned out, Shakir was a very hospitable and kind person. He insisted that the dervish stay a couple of days in his house. Shakir’s wife and daughters were just as kind and considerate as he was and provided the dervish with the best. At the end of his stay, they even supplied him with plenty of food and water for his journey.

On his way back into the desert, the dervish could not help puzzling over Shakir’s last words at the time of farewell. The dervish had said, “Thank God that you are well off.”

“But, dervish,” Shakir had replied, “don’t be fooled by appearances, for this too shall pass.”

During his years on the Sufi path, the dervish had come to understand that anything he heard or saw during his journey ofered a lesson to be learned and thus was worthy of contemplation. In fact, that was the reason he had undertaken the journey in the first place – to learn more. The words of shakir occupied his thoughts and he was not sure if he fully understood their import.

As he sat under the shade of a single tree to pray and meditate, he recalled from his Sufi training that if he kept silent and did not rush to any conclusions, he would eventually find the answer. For he had been taught to be silent and not ask questions; when it was time for him to be enlightened, he would be. Therefore, he shut the door on his thoughts and drowned his soul in a deep meditative state.

And so he passed five more years of traveling to different lands, meeting new people, and learning from his experiences along the way. Every adventure offered a new lesson to be learned. Meanwhile, as Sufi custom required, he remained quiet, concentrating on the instructions of his heart.

One day, the dervish found himself returning to Sandy Hills, the same village at which he had stopped a few years before. He remembered his friend Shakir and asked after him. “He lives in the neighboring village, ten miles from here. He now works for Haddad,” a villager answered. The surprised dervish remembered that Haddad was another wealthy man in the region. Happy at the prospect of seeing Shakir again, he rushed toward the neightboring village.

At Haddad’s marvelous home, the dervish was welcomed by Shakir, who looked much older now and was dressed in rags. “What happened to you?” the dervish wanted to know. Shakir replied that a flood three years previously had left him with no cattle, and no house. So he and his family had become servants of Haddad, who had survived the flood and now enjoyed the status of the wealthiest man in that area. This turn of fortune, however, had not changed the kind and friendly manner of Shakir and his family. They graciously took care of the dervish in their cottage for a couple of days, and gave him food and water before he left.

As he was leaving, the dervish said, “I am so sorry for what has happened to you and your family. I know that God has a reason for what He does.”

“Oh, but remember, this too shall pass.”

Shakir’s voice kept echoing in the dervish’s ears. The man’s smiling face and calm spirit never left his mind. “What in the world does he mean by that statement this time?” The dervish now knew that Shakir’s final words on his previous visit had anticipated the changes that had occurred. But this time, he wondered what could justify such an optimistic remark. So, again, he let it pass, preferring to wait for the answer.

Months and years passed, and the dervish, who was getting on in years, kept traveling without any thought of retiring. Strangely enough, the pattern of his journeys always brought him back to the village where Shakir lived. This time, it took seven years before he got back to Sandy Hills, and by this time Shakir had become rich again. He now lived in the main building of Haddad’s compound instead of the small cottage. “Haddad died a couple of years ago,” Shakir explained, “and since he had no heir, he decided to leave me his wealth as a reward for my loyal services.”

As the visit drew to a close, the dervish prepared for his greatest journey: he would cross Saudi Arabia for the pilgrimage to Mecca on foot, a long-standing tradition among his colleagues. His farewell with his old friend was no different from the others. Shakir repeated his favorite saying, “This too shall pass.”

After the pilgrimage, the dervish traveled to India. Upon returning to his motherland, Persia, he decided to visit Shakir one more time to find out what had become of him. So once again he set out for the village of Sandy Hills. But instead of finding his friend Shakir there, he was shown a modest grave with the inscription “This too shall pass.” He was more suprised at this than he had been on any of the occasions when Shakir himself had spoken those words. “Riches come and riches go,” thought the dervish to himself, “but how can a tomb change?”

From that time on, the dervish made it a point to visit the tomb of his friend every year when he would spend a few hours meditating at Shakir’s abode, However, on one of his visits, he found the cemetery and grave gone, washed away by a flood. Now the old dervish had lost the only traces left of a man who had marked the experiences of his life so exceptionally. The dervish stayed at the ruins of the cemetery for hours, staring at the ground. Finally, he lifted his head to the sky and then, as if discovering a greater meaning, nodded his head as a sign of confirmation and said, “This too shall pass.”

When the dervish had finally become too old to travel, he decided to settle down and live the rest of his life in peace and quiet. Years passed by, and the old man spent his time helping those who came to him for advice and sharing his experiences with the young. People came from all over to have the benefit of his wisdom. Eventually his fame spread to the king’s great advisor, who happened to be looking for someone with great wisdom.

The fact was, the king desired a ring to be made for him. The ring was to be a special one: it was to carry an inscription such that if the king was sad, he could look at the ring and it would make him happy, and if he was happy, he could look at the ring and it would make him sad.

The best jewelers were hired, and many men and women came forward with suggestions for the ring, but the king liked none of them. So the advisor wrote to the dervish explaining the situation, asking for help, and inviting him to the palace. Without leaving home, the dervish sent back his reply.

A few days later, an emerald ring was made and presented to the king. The king, who had been depressed for days, reluctantly pout the ring on his finger and glanced at it with a disappointed sigh. Then he started to smile, and a few moments later, he was laughing loudly. On the ring were inscribed the words, “This too shall pass.”

– Tales from the Land of the Sufis: Fariduddin Attar’s version

32 Yanıt to “This, too, Shall Pass . . . Bu da Geçer . . .YA HU”

  1. Dervişin biri, uzun ve yorucu bir yolculuktan sonra bir köye ulaşır. Karşısına çıkanlara kendisine yardım edecek, yemek ve yatak verecek biri olup olmadığını sorar. Köylüler kendilerinin de fakir olduklarını, evlerinin küçük olduğunu söyler ve Şakir diye birinin çiftliğini tarif edip oraya gitmesini tavsiye ederler.
    Derviş yola koyulur,birkaç köylüye daha rastlar.Onların anlattıklarından Şakirin bölgenin en zengin kişilerinden biri olduğunu anlar. Bölgedeki ikinci zengin ise Haddad adında başka bir çiftlik sahibidir.

    Derviş Şakir’in çiftliğine varır. Çok iyi karşılanır, iyi misafir edilir, yer içer, dinlenir. Şakir de aileside hem misafirperver hem de gönlü geniş insanlardır…

    Yola koyulma zamanı gelip Derviş, Şakir’e teşekkür ederken, “Böyle zengin olduğun için hep şükr et.”der. Şakir ise şöyle cevap verir: “Hiçbir şey olduğu gibi kalmaz. Bazen görünen gerçeğin ta kendisi değildir. Bu da geçer…”

    Derviş Şakir’in çiftliğinden ayrıldıktan sonra bu söz üzerine uzun uzun düşünür. Bir kaç yıl sonra dervişin yolu yine aynı bölgeye düşer. Şakir’i hatırlar, bir uğramaya karar verir. Yolda rastladığı köylüler ile sohbet ederken Şakir den söz eder. “Haa o Şakir’mi” der köylüler, “O iyice fakirledi, şimdi Haddad’ın yanında çalışıyor.”

    Derviş hemen Haddad’ın çiftliğine gider, Şakir’i bulur. Eski dostu yaşlanmıştır, üzerinde eski püskü giysiler vardır. Üç yıl önceki bir sel felaketinde bütün sığırları telef olmuş, evi yıkılmıştır. Toprakları da işlenemez hale geldiği için tek çare olarak selden hiç zarar görmemiş ve biraz daha zenginleşmiş olan Haddad’ın yanında çalışmak kalmıştır. Şakir ve ailesi üç yıldır Haddad’ın hizmetkarıdır.

    Şakir bu kez Derviş’i son derece mutevazi olan evinde misafir eder. Kıt kanaat yemeğini onunla paylaşır… Derviş vedalaşırken Şakir’e olup bitenlerden ötürü ne kadar üzgün olduğunu söyler ve Şakir’den şu cevabı alır: Üzülme… Unutma,bu da geçer…”

    Derviş gezmeye devam eder ve yedi yıl sonra yolu yine o bölgeye düşer. Şaşkınlık içinde olup biteni öğrenir. Haddad birkaç yıl önce ölmüş, ailesi olmadığı içinde bütün varını yoğunu en sadık hizmetkarı ve eski dostu Şakir’e bırakmıştır. Şakir Haddad’ın konağında oturmaktadır, kocaman arazileri ve binlerce sığırı ile yine yörenin en zengin insanıdır.

    Derviş eski dostunu iyi gördüğü için ne kadar sevindiğini söyler ve yine aynı cevabı alır: “Bu da geçer…”

    Bir zaman sonra Derviş yine Şakir’i arar. Ona bir tepeyi işaret ederler. Tepede Şakir’in mezarı vardır ve taşında şu yazılıdır: “Bu da geçer…”

    Derviş, “ölümün nesi geçecek?” diye düşünür ve gider. Ertesi yıl Şakir’in mezarını ziyaret etmek için geri döner; ama ortada ne tepe vardır nede mezar. Büyük bir sel gelmiş,tepeyi önüne katmış, Şakir’den geriye bir iz dahi kalmamıştır…

    O aralar ülkenin sultanı, kendisi için çok değişik bir yüzük yapılmasını ister. Öyle bir yüzük ki, mutsuz olduğunda umudunu tazelesin, mutlu olduğunda ise kendisini mutluluğun tembelliğine kaptırmaması gerektiğini hatırlatsın… Hiç kimse Sultanı tatmin edecek böyle bir yüzük yapamaz. Sultanın adamları da bilge Derviş’i bulup yardım isterler. Derviş, Sultanın kuyumcusuna hitaben bir mektup yazıp verir. Kısa bir süre sonra yüzük Sultan’a sunulur. Sultan önce bir şey anlamaz; çünkü son derece sade bir yüzüktür bu. Sonra üzerindeki yazıya gözü takılır, biraz düşünür ve yüzüne büyük bir mutluluk ışığı yayılır: “Bu da geçer” yazmaktadır.

  2. Tacettin Bircan Says:

    Allah râzı olsun değerli Semra…
    Çok güzel Kıssa. Çok çok beğendim…
    Ayet’el Kürsi’nin “O asla uyumaz” dediği Rabbimiz Yüce Allah’a ‹cc› emânet ol inşallah…
    Saygı, sevgi, selam ve dua ile,
    Cumamız mübârek olsun…

  3. What a wonderful story and wonderful lesson!

  4. Please read my first post

  5. This is a good philosophy for staying balanced. 
Thanks for the story’s reference. Gorgeous photo too. ❤️

  6. There is such profundity in this story. During a life of roughly equal blessings and losses I have long since adopted the philosophy that we only ever have anything on loan and it is our responsibility to care for it as best we can

  7. Interestingly long story illustrating the transience of life and happiness.

  8. Hi Dear Sister Semra
    Love the story, thanks for sharing. It’s hard so many times in life to remember times will change. Negatives will turn positive, pain will let up and the more grateful we are the more the light shines on us.
    I think of you so often. Hugs.
    May Allah and God Bless Us

  9. a story that conquers

  10. much wisdom for life
    here to consider 🙂

  11. Very good and wise post👏👍 thanks for sharing this 🙂💐

  12. Tacettin Bircan Says:

    Sevgili Semra!..
    Doğum günün şimdiden kutlu olsun. Allah’ın selâmı, rahmetli ve bereketi üzerine olsun…

    Bütün hayatın sevaplarla, iyilerle, iyiliklerle, güzelliklerle ve Seni mutlu eden âniden gelen güzel sürprizlerle dopdolu olsun. Ömrün hayırlı ve upuzun olsun. Yeni yaşın kalbin gibi apaydın olsun. O pırıl pırıl, tertemiz kalbin her zaman musmutlu olsun inşallah…

    İyi ki doğdun, iyi ki varsın…
    Daha nice nice mutlu yıllara…

  13. Reblogged this on By the Mighty Mumford and commented:


    • Peace be upon you my dear brother, what you country, culture, language, identity and religion not important to me. we all are children of Adam and Eve. I love you for the sake of Allah. I’m just too busy with my work and no have to time for sharings. I hope you are fine. Allah bless you 💝

      • Forgive me then, for my impatience. I am like a hen who loses one chick…and has to be sure of all the rest. May God supply you with peace beyond understanding to be in your heat and mind as well!

  15. 💝💞💝💞💝

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  17. You always give us a chance to see life in another way. Your story teaches us to wait for changes to improve. Very good your post. It likes to read you.

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