There is no comfort on earth…Dünyada rahat yoktur…Lâ râhate fi’d-dünyâ …Holy Prophet Muhammed (SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam)

semras world..

Allah Almighty announces. Every soul (person) is bound to taste death, and We try you through the bad and the good things (of life) by way of testing (so that your real character and rank may reveal itself). In fact, you are on the way to return to Us, (to finally be brought to Our Presence). (Al-Anbiya Surah, 21:35)

The world is a realm of testing. In a hadith, the world is presented as the field of the Hereafter.

This world was created as a realm of testing and a field of the Hereafter, not as a place of pleasure. In this testing field, men continuously endeavor and work hard. Again here they arrange a vineyard for the Hereafter and finish their days exhausted.

Man who works in the field is contented with a piece of bread and yoghurt instead of portions of foods, lies on the soil or grasses and has some rest. He would not deem them strange. And he is not disturbed by them. He does know that he will get back to his village and find his welfare and ease of mind there.

The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) announces, There is no comfort on earth.
It is by no means possible to obtain tranquility and welfare in this strange world in which day and night chase each other, diseases and health are visited on man in turn, storms and stillness prevail over human soul in succession.

There is no comfort on earth but is bliss for believers. If man has tasted of faith and taken the way of good deeds in this world, he acquires some sorts of benefits on behalf of the Hereafter. And most importantly, he tastes the comfort of knowing that the world is not a place of comfort and he gets rid of discomfort.

Our surroundings are swarming with incidents that all the time interprets this hadith.

On the one hand, the killers of faith who keep struggling to put man into a wretched position, enemies of chastity, to make it short evil networks Pubs, which are marketing poison, gambling houses with filthy air, fashion networks, which are hostile to modesty, novels, and stories that stimulate young brains into corruption And obscene scenes that appear on the screens of televisions all over the world, which gnaw at souls Heart-rendering news, which inoculate despair into the hearts Never-ending fights, murders, traffic accidents The slanders that never fail to be missing in the arena of politics, defamations, lies, back-biting

On the other hand ruined families, which have lost their means of respect and love Corrupting common usages and figures of expenses that swell up with extravagance. Sleep-spoiling payments.

And wretched, destitute and ephemeral man in the face of these so many material and spiritual distresses which are conducted by human hands and make some people troublesome for some others

This picture is a most clear indicator showing the human heart would not be satisfied with the world and is a pioneer of guidance which turns the attention of man into another realm.

Indeed, there is no comfort on earth. For the essence of this field of testing is not proper for this. There is no comfort in the testing. You cannot observe an unending spring in the inner world of man as in our surrounding. S/he also has winter, summer, and autumn.

S/he does not always have calm weather; s/he has a flash of lightning, storm, and hurricane. You cannot see him/her lit up all the time; s/he also has darkness, shadows, and clouds. His/her crops are not all the time of the same sort; s/he has flowers, fruits, and thorns. His/her field is not always even, s/he has mountains, cliffs, brooks.

As long as we are firmly convinced that this is so, our standpoints towards the occurrences will change, we shall substantially have delivered ourselves from untimely sorrows, excitements, gloom.

All this is a witness that there is no comfort on earth.
However, one needs not to confuse comfort with bliss. There is no comfort on earth but are welfare and bliss. These concepts look to souls not to bodies. As for soul, it finds welfare and becomes blissful both in this world and in the Hereafter through faith, good deeds, righteousness, and good conduct.

People who use their every feeling and emotion on the right path experience a sort of paradise-like life on earth.

Alaaddin Başar


29 Yanıt to “There is no comfort on earth…Dünyada rahat yoktur…Lâ râhate fi’d-dünyâ …Holy Prophet Muhammed (SallAllahu Alaihi wa Sallam)”

  1. “Sizi, bir imtihan olarak, şer ve hayırla deneyeceğiz. Hepiniz de nihayet bize döndürüleceksiniz.” (Enbiya, 21/35)

    Buna göre dünya bir imtihan meydanıdır. Bir hadis-i şerifte de, dünya “ahiretin tarlası” olarak takdim edilir.

    Bu dünya, rahat yeri değil, imtihan meydanı ve ahiretin tarlası olarak yaratılmış. Bu imtihan salonunda, insanlar sürekli çaba gösterir, ter dökerler. Ve bu tarlada, ahiretleri namına her gün bir bağ derleyip yorgun argın bitirirler günlerini.

    Tarlada çalışan bir insan, dört beş çeşit yemek yerine, ekmek ve yoğurtla yetinir; döşek yerine toprakta veya çimende uzanır; öylece dinlenir. Bunları garip karşılamaz ve bundan fazla rahatsız da olmaz. Bir süre sonra köye döneceğinin ve asıl rahat ve huzuru orada bulacağının şuurundadır.

    Allah Resulü (asm.) haber veriyor:

    “Dünyada rahat yoktur.”

    Gece ve gündüzün birbirini kovaladığı, hastalıklarla sıhhatin nöbetleşe insanı yokladığı, zorluklarla kolaylıkların yine art arda insanı sardığı, fırtınayla sükunetin insan ruhunda nöbetleşe hükmettiği bu garip dünyada, rahat ve huzur bulmak ne mümkün!

    Dünyada rahat yoktur, ama mümin için saadet vardır. İnsan bu dünyada imanı tatmış ve salih amelin yolunu tutmuşsa, acı-tatlı her hâdiseden ahireti namına bir takım faydalar edinir. Ve en önemlisi, bu dünyanın rahat yeri olmadığını bilmenin verdiği rahatı tadar ve huzursuzluktan kurtulur.

    Çevremiz, bu hadîs-i şerifi sürekli tefsir eden olaylarla âdeta kaynaşmaktadır.

    Bir yanda, insanı perişan etmek için aralıksız çalışan inanç katilleri, iffet düşmanları, en kısa ifadesiyle şer odakları… Zehir pazarlayan meyhaneler, pis havalı kumarhaneler, haya düşmanı moda odakları, körpe dimağları rezalete özendiren romanlar, hikâyeler… Ve dünyanın her tarafından ekranlara hücum ederek ruhu kemiren müstehcen sahneler. Ümitsizlik aşılamakla kalbi perişan eden acı haberler. Bitmek bilmeyen boğuşmalar. Cinayetler, trafik kazaları… Siyaset sahnesinden hiç eksik olmayan iftira çamurları, karalamalar, yalanlar, gıybetler.

    Beride, hürmet-muhabbet münasebetini yitirmiş virane aileler. Görenek belâsı, desinler tutkusu yahut demesinler korkusu yüzünden, israf ile kabaran masraf rakamları. Uyku kaçıran taksitler…

    Dünyanın, çoğu zaman insanların eliyle icra edilen ve insanı insana âdetâ belâ eden bu kadar maddî ve manevî sıkıntısı karşısında âciz, fakir ve fâni insan…

    Bu tablo, kalbin dünya ile tatmin olamayacağının en berrak bir göstergesi ve insanın nazarını bir başka diyara çeviren bir hidayet öncüsüdür.

    Gerçekten de dünyada rahat yoktur. Zira şu imtihan âleminin yapısı buna müsait değildir. İmtihanda rahat olmaz. Dış alemde olduğu gibi insanın iç dünyasında da, sürekli bir bahar gözleyemezsiniz. Onun da kışı, yazı, sonbaharı vardır.

    Havası daima sakin değildir; şimşeği, fırtınası, kasırgası vardır. Onu da hep aydınlık göremezsiniz; karanlığı, gölgesi, bulutu vardır. Onda da mahsuller bir cinsten değildir; çiçeği, meyvesi, dikeni vardır. Sahası da engebesiz değildir; dağı, uçurumu, deresi vardır.

    Bunun böyle olduğunu kalbimize iyice sindirdiğimiz takdirde, hâdiselere bakış açımız değişecek, yersiz kederlerden, heyecanlardan, karamsarlıklardan büyük ölçüde kurtulmuş olacağız.

    Ve bütün bunlar dünyada rahat olmadığının birer şahididir.

    Şu var ki, rahatla saadeti karıştırmamak gerekir. Dünyada rahat yoktur, ama huzur ve saadet vardır. Bu kavramlar, bedene değil ruha bakarlar. Ruh ise iman, salih amel, takva ve güzel ahlâk ile hem dünyada hem de ahirette huzur bulur ve mesut olur.

    Her duygusunu ve hissini rıza dairesinde ve istikamet çizgisinde kullanan insanlar, dünyada da bir nevi cennet hayatı yaşarlar.

    Alaaddin Başar (Prof.Dr.)

  2. Great post if only more could understand what you are teaching them ❤️ thy neighbour not War but man has always strived to change his destiny set down by God and it fails time after time if you accepts he is not perfect or anywhere near to understanding his creator he will then understand the creators purpose Amen

  3. Reblogged this on ' Ace Friends News ' and commented:
    Man has always strived to change his destiny set down by God and it fails time after time if you accepts he is not perfect or anywhere near to understanding his creator he will then understand the creators purpose Amen

  4. I love the message Semra! Hugs and blessings!

  5. Wow I loved this. I really needed to read a reminder like this ❤

  6. beautiful message, dear sister ❤

  7. The Prophet ﷺ said:

    “Every son of Adam makes mistakes,
    and the best of those
    who make mistakes
    are those who repent.”

  8. “The strong man is not the good wrestler; the strong man is only the one who controls himself when he is angry.” (Bukhari)

  9. One of the most beautiful peice I have read in months sister, thankyou for this

  10. Thank you! Postul tau este minunat!

  11. I long to be on the path of the divine after reading your posts dear , beautiful Semra ….love , megxxx

  12. Fateema Abdallah Says:

    Reblogged this on Islamic Reblogs.

  13. Soul Search

    Are we earning to pay builders and interior designers, caterers and decorators?

    Whom do we want to impress with our highly inflated house properties & fat weddings?

    Do you remember for more than two days what you ate at someone’s marriage?

    Why are we working like dogs in our prime years of life?

    How many generations do we want to feed?

    Most of us have two kids. Many have a single kid.

    How much is the “need” and how much do we actually “want”??
    Think about it.

    Would our next generation be incapable to earn, that we save so much for them!?!

    Can not we spare one and a half days a week for friends, family and self??

    Do you spend even 5% of your monthly income for your self enjoyment?

    Why can’t we enjoy simultaneously while we earn?

    Spare time to enjoy before you have slipped discs and large prostates.

    We don’t own properties, we just have temporary name on documents.

    GOD laughs sarcastically, when someone says,
    “I am the owner of this land”!!

    Do not judge a person only by the length of his car.

    Many of our science and maths teachers were great personalities riding on scooters!!

    It is not bad to be rich, but it is very unfair, to be only rich.

    Let’s get a LIFE, before life gets us, instead….

  14. Coucou,
    Thank you very much for this great post, very rich of lesson

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