Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day should speak a good word or remain silent…!!

2048 (12)ç


Nothing is better for an ignorant man than silence, and if he were to consider it to be suitable, he would not be ignorant.

If thou possessest not the perfection of excellence ,
It is best to keep thy tongue within thy mouth.
Disgrace is brought on a man by his tongue.
A walnut, having no kernel, will be light.

A fool was trying to teach a donkey,
Spending all his time and efforts in the task.
A sage observed: ‘O ignorant man, what sayest thou?
Fear blame from the censorious in this vain attempt.
A brute cannot learn speech from thee.
Learn thou silence from a brute.’

Who does not reflect what he is to answer .
Will mostly speak improperly.
Come. Either arrange thy words like a wise man ,
Or remain sitting silent like a brute.

The Gulistan (Rose-Garden) of Shaikh Sa’di of Shiraz

Cahil için en iyisi susmasıdır. Zaten bunu bilseydi cahil olmazdı.
Eğer bilgin yoksa susmalısın,
İçsiz cevizi hafifliği, insanı dili rezil eder.
Bir ahmak, eşeğine konuşmayı öğretiyordu,
Bunun için epey çaba sarf etti.

Bir bilge onu gördü ve şöyle dedi;
‘Boşuna uğraşma, bu sevdadan vazgeç,
Hayvan senden bir şey öğrenmez,
Bari sen, ondan susmayı öğren!

Düşünmeden konuşan kişilerin,
Sözlerinin çoğu yanlıştan arınmaz.
Ya insana yaraşır şekilde güzel konuş,
Ya da o eşek gibi otur ve sus!

Şeyh Sadi Şirazi (Bostan ve Gülistan)


Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day should speak a good word or remain silent.

Allah’a ve âhiret gününe iman eden kimse ya faydalı söz söylesin veya sussun.

Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sallallahu ‘Alaihi waSallam)

53 Yanıt to “Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day should speak a good word or remain silent…!!”

  1. Freundliche Grüße, Wolfgang

  2. Amber Danette Says:

    Amen !

  3. Amber Danette Says:

    I believe in the Last day and in Allah and in his Prophet Muhammad, I suppose I must be a Muslim ❤ 🙂

    • MaşaAllah…. May Allah swt protect you, guide you, forgive your sins, and grant you Jannah Al Firdous with the Muslim Ummah ❤ 🙂

    • Whosoever believes in Allah and the last day will most definitely enter paradise…
      May Allah guide us all and keeps us on the straight path always..ameen!


  4. My mother used to say the same thing. But if someone says something stupid or even wrong, he should not be killed.

    • “whoever kills a person it is as if he had killed mankind ( or humanity) entirely. And whoever saves one – it is as if he had saved mankind ( or humanity) entirely..Holy Quran

      Thank you for your reading !

  5. Love, you Semra

  6. Yakup Güngör Says:

    Ben bu işten pek bişey anlamadım

  7. jakesprinter Says:

    Your right Semra,They never know until their last breath .

  8. Thanks, dear Semra. Have a nice week.

  9. Wonderful words! Where is this from? Is it from the Quran, or a poet?

  10. Süleyman Polat Says:


  11. Simona Says:

    Bella giornata 🙂

  12. Fateema Abdullah Says:

    Asalam Alaykum sister. Just a little message to say I love your blog. You make awesome presentation , you include beautiful images and the words always make people to ponder on. May Allah reward you greatly. Amin

    • Wa alaikum salam dear sister, you know what’s really awesome? You taking the time to read and post a comment..Thank you so so much….May Allah the Almighty be pleased with you…. 🙂 ❤

  13. Kev Says:

    Very wise musings.

  14. I think the word Saadi means fortunate which we are for your beautiful insights Semra. Thank you.

  15. Amen!! Great post dear ❤

  16. Hi Semra. Many humans surely cannot change their thinking hatred part of the culture. Are we not all flesh and blood living on the same planet sharing the same sunlight. This makes me respect all life, but I am only one. Thank you so much for liking my poem ‘ Shuttle!’ Peace and Good Wishes. The Foureyed Poet.

  17. araanz50 Says:

    ❤ 🙂

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